Webinarium: Inteligentne napędy dla inteligentnego rolnictwa
FAULHABER Polska Sp. z o.o.
Pracuj mądrzej, nie ciężej: roboty rolnicze sprawiają, że inteligentne rolnictwo jest szybsze i bardziej efektywne. Ale który system napędowy jest odpowiedni dla jakich wymagań? Obejrzyj webinarium, a
- Drive system components for smart farming
- Combinations and special design
- Tips and tricks for agricultural applications
- Speed and motion control systems in agricultural robotics
- Drive system selection for smart farming applications
Next dates:
Tue, April 16, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MESZ (English webinar)
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Thu, April 18, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MESZ (German webinar)
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Mario Zecchin
Product Manager
mario.zecchin@faulhaber.com After obtaining a Master in Applied Electronics Engineering from University of Padua, Mario Zecchin worked as development engineer for Micromotori Elettrici Svizzera SA, Stabio, responsible for automotive headlamp actuators, followed by holding a position as scientific mechatronics staff at Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), collaborating with Swiss industries for innovative projects. Zecchin joined FAULHABER MINIMOTOR SA in 2007 as product manager motion control and since 2013 he works as senior sales engineer. Kevin Moser
Outside Business Development Manager
kevin.moser@faulhaber.com After successfully completing a double master's degree in industrial engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Albstadt-Sigmaringen and in mechanical engineering at the University of South Wales, Kevin Moser joined FAULHABER in November 2016 as a trainee in technical sales. Following the two-year program, which gave him valuable insights and experience across all areas of the company, he took up his position in Business Development in 2018. Since October 2022, Kevin Moser has been working as Outside Business Development Manager and in this role supports FAULHABER's international sales teams in opening up new markets and optimally meeting the market and application-specific needs of our customers.